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'Sweet Dreams' May Not Quite Be All That Amazing After All

October 26, 2021 Bed Cleaning Tips
Craving Sweet Dreams? Ditch the Sugar! Craving Sweet Dreams? Ditch the Sugar!

Ah, the end of the day - finally. You’ve done all the work that needed to get done, had dinner, put any small humans you are in charge of to bed, and now you get to relax. On the couch. With Netflix. And a teensy treat. Some hot chocolate perhaps, or some cookies and milk. Or a KitKat. You deserve a break after all! Right?  

Well, yes. You totally deserve a break! But also no. Those sweet treats you are indulging in just before bedtime are not a vibe. Urgh, we know, we don’t like to be the bearers of bad news either. After all, half the fun of being a grownup is having some sweets whenever you want them! However, if you want to get some good, restorative rest to set you up for a great day the next day, the sweets have got to go. 

Here are a few reasons why ‘sweet dreams’ may not quite be all that amazing after all: 

Your Blood Sugar Goes Haywire

Studies show that folks who chow down on the sweet stuff later in the day have less restful sleep than control subjects who steer clear of sugar. This makes sense, since sugar gives us quick energy which is supposed to be burned off ASAP. Leave it in the mix when you hit the hay and you are bound to feel restless!

When You Sleep Poorly You Crave Stimulants

Then, following that night of sugar-induced restlessness, you are going to wake up feeling less than refreshed. This is when most of us reach for daytime crutches in the form of coffee, fast-release energy from carbs, etc. So you can see that there is a bit of a vicious cycle forming here. 

Sugar ‘Uses Up’ Magnesium

Your body uses magnesium to propel the metabolism processes required to use and store the energy you gain from sugar. In fact, it needs quite a bit of it to do it properly. The problem is that optimal levels of magnesium are also required for proper sleep. As such, too much sugar can rob your body of the vital nutrients it needs to let you rest properly.

Now you know! If you feel some hunger pangs later at night, try to steer clear of the cookies and rusks. Instead, make yourself a whole-wheat sandwich with some turkey slices or tofu, and a bit of lettuce. It has a lot of flavour and crunch, but won’t let your blood sugar shoot through the roof. 

Check back soon for more insider insights from the Bed King team. In the meantime, keep an eye on our Facebook page and Instagram profile to stay up to date with great deals, special offers and more!

Gauteng (Pretoria)