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6 Reasons Why Fatigue Is A Workplace Hazard

November 19, 2021 Bed Cleaning Tips
Fatigue = reduced workplace safety. Here’s why! Fatigue = reduced workplace safety. Here’s why!

Have you ever gone to work kind of tired? Most of us have done so on occasion. Whether you got wrapped up in a series and binge-watched it too late, have young kids keeping you up, or suffer from insomnia, the result is normally the same. You're not the best version of yourself at the office. That’s just a fact. 

In most cases, being a little tired at work might not seem like that big of a deal. Maybe you make a spelling error on an email, or miss a line item on a spreadsheet. However, little errors can cause big issues. 

For instance, did you know that fatigue played a role in majorly destructive events like Chernobyl and Three Mile Island nuclear power plant explosion? Not to mention the Challenger shuttle crash! In short - it's always best if you are at your sharpest when you do your job, even if you don't work in the control centre of a nuclear power plant. 

See, fatigue is not only inconvenient, it actually hampers you in all sorts of physical and mental ways. This includes: 

  1. Impairing you in the same way as if you were drunk or on sedative drugs. If you haven't slept in 17 hours, your driving ability is affected in the same way as someone with a blood alcohol. level of 0.05%!

  2. Worsening your hand-eye coordination and making it much harder to communicate clearly. 

  3. Not allowing your brain to process information or solve problems in the same way it normally would. 

  4. Lowering your mental defences, which leads to greater levels of risk-taking. 

  5. Causing you to make more errors due to the list of issues above. 

  6. Making you less aware of your reduced performance levels as you grow even sleepier. 

SIDE NOTE: Does your company culture glorify overwork, praising people who come in early, work late and take work home with them? If so, it might be worthwhile to have a chat with HR about it. It's often easy to miss these things from the top down, and C-suite may not be aware that this cultural shift has taken place. Bring it to their attention and make a point of noting that fatigue is a workplace hazard. 

Now you know! Check back soon for more insider insights from the Bed King team. In the meantime, keep an eye on our Facebook page and Instagram profile to stay up to date with great deals, special offers and more!

Gauteng (Pretoria)