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For something that our bodies are naturally wired to do all by itself, sleep can sure be complicated sometimes, right? It makes sense though - the day-to-day lifestyle most of us have now differed a whole bunch from when humans first made an appearance.
For one thing, we invented fire, then electricity, and then everything that goes along with it. This means we are no longer bound by silly things like sun-up and sun-down to get stuff done. We can keep going all night long if we want to!
However, our bodies (which are trying their utmost to keep us healthy and alive!) are still bound by something called circadian rhythms - physical, mental, and behavioural changes that follow a 24-hour cycle; AKA natural processes that respond primarily to light and dark.
So, in short, we are kicking against the current, so to speak. This is why sleep seems complicated to us right now. Fortunately, there are relatively simple lifestyle changes that can uncomplicate it to a certain degree. To help you on your way to better sleep, here are three things you should AVOID doing if you want to enjoy restorative rest:
Sleeping in to catch up on sleep
Sorry friend, there is actually no such thing as ‘catching up’ on sleep. You lost it, it’s gone. Your best bet is to move on and stick to a regular sleep and wake time every night - even on the weekends. This way, your body knows what to expect, and can assist you by getting your sleep/wake hormones in sync with your lifestyle rhythms.
Oversleeping is actually just as bad for you as not sleeping enough. It can cause depression, affect your cognitive functioning and productivity, and (interestingly) leave you tired, irritable or lethargic. Rather stick to the recommended 7 to 8 hours per night to enjoy the best results.
Screens before bed
That’s right folks - the screen time rule should not only be for the kids! The blue spectrum light emitted by devices like cell phones, tablets and televisions have a big impact on your ability to fall and remain asleep throughout the night. This is why it’s recommended that you cease screen engagement at least an hour or two before bed.
Now you know! Check back soon for more insider insights from the Bed King team. In the meantime, keep an eye on our Facebook page and Instagram profile to stay up to date with great deals, special offers and more!
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